Who Moved My Cheese? A Personal Reflection

Rachana Gupta
2 min readMar 16, 2024

“Who Moved My Cheese?” by Dr. Spencer Johnson resonated deeply with me few years ago, particularly in the context of staying at the same job for 13 years. While the book uses the metaphor of cheese to represent our desires in life, let’s substitute it with “a comfortable job” for this example.

The Reluctant Haw: Imagine myself as Haw in the story. Initially, the “cheese” (comfortable job) provided stability, security, and a sense of routine. Years passed, and the familiarity became a comfort zone.

Fear of the Unknown: Just like Haw, the thought of venturing out, searching for new opportunities, and facing the unknown was daunting. The security of the known job, even if it lacked excitement or growth potential, felt safer than the uncertainty of the outside world. It felt like home and work was effortless, why even bother?

Gradual Change vs. Sudden Disruption: Unlike the story’s abrupt cheese disappearance, my situation involved a gradual decline in job satisfaction, learning and growth. While the initial comfort remained, a sense of stagnation set in. New skills weren’t being learned, and the spark of challenge had faded.

A Turning Point: However, the book’s message about change being inevitable served as a wake-up call. Just as Sniff and Scurry readily adapted, I realized I needed to take action.

Embracing the Move: Slowly, I started attending workshops, took online courses, and networked with professionals in different fields. This exploration phase mirrored Sniff and Scurry’s venturing out into the maze. I also put myself on a path where I set a course of action on learning without agenda . It started with doing a AWS course during my maternity leave.

Taking the Leap: With newfound skills and a broader perspective, I eventually felt prepared to explore new job opportunities. This was the point of actively “moving with the cheese” — seeking out a new and potentially more fulfilling professional path.

Looking Back: Leaving the familiar job after 13 years wasn’t easy. However, by adopting a proactive approach like Sniff and Scurry, I embraced the change and discovered a new position that a new purpose and new learnings.

Lessons Learned:

  • Change is inevitable: Just like the disappearing cheese, our situations can change due to various factors.
  • Mindset matters: A positive outlook allows us to see change as an opportunity, not a threat.
  • Embrace continuous learning: Equipping ourselves with new skills helps us adapt to changing landscapes.
  • Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone: Growth often lies beyond the familiar.

Who Moved My Cheese? served as a reminder that while change can be hard , it also presents exciting oppertunities . By adopting the right mindset and taking proactive steps, we can navigate change effectively and discover new opportunities for personal and professional growth. The key lies in willing to learn and adapt.

